Please note, once you begin your Curriculum Planner Application you cannot save your data. Please use our application guide prior to starting the application.


As a school, Blackwood values its relationships with visiting students and staff and is committed to working with visiting schools to deliver quality educational programs that enhance student outcomes both at Blackwood and beyond.

We understand the considerable time and effort that schools put into organising and implementing a visit to Blackwood and we work closely with schools to ensure that the program designed through consultation with Blackwood Staff best supports the learning outcomes linked to your curriculum sequence.

As a Government school, Blackwood is committed to ensuring that outdoor learning programs can be delivered at a reasonable cost. The per student Blackwood costs includes all accommodation and Blackwood programs. Accessing extra-curricular programs may incur an extra cost for visiting schools.

Visiting schools are expected to arrange all food requirements and costs as well as transport to and from Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre.

If you require any support with the application process please call us during school hours on 5368-6768 or email

Please note:-

  • To maximise Blackwood facilities, staff and availability, some bookings may involve Schools simultaneously sharing facilities
  • All inputs marked with (*) are required!

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Details

Please enter the school name.
Please enter your School's name.
Please enter your full name.
Invalid email address.
Please enter your contact number. E.g. 0411231234 | 041-123-1234

Please enter the name of your Principal.
Invalid email address.

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Stay

Please select your duration length

1 Day Program - Your Program can include a maximum of 2 lessons, 0 night lessons. This option means you intend to stay for 1 day between Monday and Friday.

Note: The following lessons are not available for day visits: High ropes, Flying Fox, Climbing & Mountain biking.

2 Day Program - Your Program can include a maximum of 4 lessons including 1 night lesson. This option means you intend to stay for 2 days between Monday and Friday.

3 Day Program - Your Program can include a maximum of 8 lessons including up to 2 night lessons. This option means you intend to stay for 3 days between Monday and Friday.

4 Day Program - Your Program can include a maximum of 12 lessons including up to 3 night lessons. This option means you intend to stay for 4 days between Monday and Friday.

Please select your preferred day
Please select your preferred days
Please select your preferred days
Please select your preferred days

5 Days - Your Program can include a maximum of 16 lessons including up to 4 night lessons. This option means you intend to stay for 5 days between Monday and Friday.

Please note some lessons maybe combined with other schools with consultation

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Accommodation

The School

The Residence

Tent Shelter

Note: Select all accommodation sites required for your stay.

Please tell us your Accommodation preferrence.

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Dates


From the options below please select the allocated dates for your visit and an approximate time for your preferred Arrival and Departure. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you require additional information.


. Day(s)

Arrival Day:

Departure Day:

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Group

Please tell us how many Staff you are planning to bring.
Please tell us how many students you are planning to bring.
Invalid Input

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Group

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Invalid Input
Please select the year level for your students

Please Note:- There is a mobile hoist available at Blackwood but it is recommended that all groups BYO required slings. Blackwood Staff will be in touch with you in reference to bunk bed arrangements and other facility needs to support your students.

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Student Learning Focus Areas (SLFA)

Please tell us your Accommodation preferrence.
Invalid Input

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Blackwood Lessons

Program timetables will be organised by Blackwood staff to ensure there are no clashes with other groups.
Lessons run for approximately 90 min, with 3-day lessons and 1 evening (night) lesson. Lesson lengths are flexible for student learning needs.

Please discuss with the Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Staff if you require additional information.

Your program can include a maximum of .

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Invalid Input

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Invalid Input

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Additional Information

Invalid Input

Please note, once you begin your application you cannot save your data.

Your Curriculum Planner Submission:

Your Details

Your Contact Number:
Your Principal:
Your Principal's Email:

Your Stay


. Day(s)

Arrival Day:
Arrival Date:
Arrival Time: (approx)
Departure Day:
Departure Date:
Departure Time: (approx)
Selected Accommodation

Your Group

Number of Staff:
Number of Students:
Average Student Age:
Vic Curriculum Level Range(s):

Your Group's Requirements

May use nappies:

Your Group's Mobility Needs

Have mobility needs:
Cerebral Palsy:
Hearing Impairment:
Vision Impairment:
Other mobility needs:(*)

Your Key Learning Focus Areas

Student Learning Focus Areas (SLFA):
Blackwood Units:
Learning To WALT:

Blackwood Lessons

Your selected lessons:
Your selected night lessons:

Additional information

Additional information that is relevant to your booking request:

You will receive the details of your final Curriculum Planner Request shortly.

Please note, the curriculum offered is subject to change and may be different to your submission. Thank you.