A wonderful activity for all ages who love to dig, explore and use their imagination. With the correct tools in hand students are given the freedom to dig and discover what has been buried in the sand, then through this discovery they are challenged to match and complete the alphabet. A great wet weather lesson, under the sand pit roof.
This lesson can also be used as an Archaeological Dig offering students the opportunity to patiently discover and exhume artefacts, bones and items discovered from the Gold Era within the Wombat State Forest. Like real archaeologists students will then be challenged to hypothesis on the item found.
The Alphabet Dig is a wonderful way to incorporate literacy skills into your program. Students are challenged to dig, discover and remove a minimum of 26 items - one for each letter of the alphabet. They then need to match the item with a photo and finally place the photo on the correct letter on Sammy the Snail's Alphabet Shell.

Found It!
Important Information
About this Lesson
Minimum time allocation:
Curriculum learning area/capability:
HPE – Movement and Physical Activity - Moving the Body, Learning through Movement
PSC – Social Awareness and Management - Relationships and Diversity, Collaboration
History of this Lesson at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
2003 Archaeological Dig established
2010 Alphabet Dig
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson.