Learn about the Wombat State Forest & nearby parks as you discover unique flora & fauna.
Explore and discover the flora and fauna of the Wombat State Forest, Lerderderg State Park or Werribee Gorge State Park through a series of engaging environmental activities. These can be enjoyed at our environmental education classroom or while out and about discovering our stunning bush environment.
Use all of your senses to discover, experience and appreciate the many wonders offered by the local bush environments surrounding Blackwood and develop a greater appreciation and understanding of our unique planet and all its beauty.
Explore the colours, smells and sights, look for scratching’s, scats, footprints and bones to learn more about local fauna (animal life) living in the surrounding forest. Add the sensation of touch and feel the different textures and surfaces of trees, leaves, and flowers, to learn more about local flora (plant life).
While you’re at it, you can also investigate ways in which people can do more to help protect and preserve our natural environment.

So much fun!
Important Information
About this Lesson
Minimum time allocation:
Curriculum learning focus
HPE – Movement and Physical Activity - Learning through Movement
SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Collaboration, Relationships and Diversity
History of Environmental Exploration at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
1970 - Environmental Exploration established
2018 - Environmental Centre established
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson