With torches at the ready and eyes wide open, be ready to head out and discover the different sights and sounds that the Blackwood night life has to offer.
If you prepare well and focus (and you’re a bit lucky) you may get to see some of the nocturnal wildlife that call the Wombat State Forest home.
To improve your groups chances of seeing wildlife during a night walk, you’ll need to remember the following:-
- To be as quiet as possible - with your voices & your feet
- To use your torches to light up the forest
- To keep your eyes open
- To NOT shine torches in other peoples eyes
- If any wildlife is found, to remain silent and just look with your eyes
- To stick together as a group
By supporting your friends and doing this together, your chances of seeing wildlife will improve.
On a clear night with a full moon high above, you may even find walking through the forest at night does not require a torch. This is a magical and memorable experience as the glow from the full moon naturally lights up the walking track below the trees helping to guide you safely through the Wombat State Forest.
It is always a wonderful experience to turn the torches off while in the forest, but especially during a clear full moon. By doing this you’ll will be able to experience the sights of the forest at night and may even glimpse the stars above the forest canopy.
Watch Wacky's Friend Spy Camera Video

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Important Information
About this Lesson
Minimum time allocation:
Victorian Curriculum learning area/capability:
HPE- Movement and Physical activity - Moving the body
SCSE – Self-awareness and Management - Developing resilience, recognition and expression of emotions
History of Night Walks at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
1970 - Night Walks established
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson