With no equipment, students will given the opportunity to learn some basic skills on how to build a bush hut.  Being very careful not to break, uproot or kill anything, as a team students are challenged to build a bush hut big enough to accommodate their group using nothing but natural material found within the bush environment.

Working within their team, students will be encouraged to brainstorm, plan, design and build their bush hut within a set time frame. The bush hut will need to be solid, secure and ready to protect their entire group .... staff included. At the end of the lesson, will the students bush huts survive the arrival of a storm?

With full approval from your Principal and School Council prior to arriving at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre - students & staff will be able to spend a quality afternoon constructing bush huts while focused on enjoying a comfortable nights sleep within the hut. An enjoyable, memorable and challenging experience for you and your team. 

Are your ready to survive?

What Fun!

Important Information

About this Lesson

Bush Huts

Minimum time allocation


Fire Danger

Click here for the Fire Danger Rating Forecast.

Curriculum learning area / capability:

HPE – Movement and Physical Activity - Moving the Body, Understanding Movement, Learning through Movement

SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Collaboration

SCSE – Self-awareness and Management - Developing resilience

History of Bush Huts at Blackwood Special Schools OEC

1970 - Bush Hut Making established

*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson