Enjoy and experience the wonderful and serene setting of the Blackwood Oval while participating in a series of challenging and engaging initiatives.
Throughout this lesson students will work together to solve problems that require teamwork, communication, initiative and leadership skills.
While each initiative is introduced and tailored to the abilities of the group, they are designed to extend the group and further enhance their teamwork, communication, initiative and leadership skills. By observing the group in action, Blackwood Staff will continue to challenge the group by modifying and presenting each initiative in a way that will enhance skills within individuals as well as the group as a whole.
While Team Games are focused on helping the group further develop their teamwork, communication, initiative and leaderships skills, they are also great fun. Throughout this lesson students may laugh, smile, cheer and celebrate as they all work together to succeed and achieve.

Lets' Play!
Important Information
About this Lesson
Minimum time allocation:
Related Lesson:
Victorian Curriculum learning area/capability:
HPE – Movement and Physical activity - Moving the body, Learning through movement,
SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Collaboration, Relationships and Diversity
History of Team Games at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
2006 - Team Games established
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson