Through a variety of activities, initiatives and challenges students are offered the opportunity to learn, laugh, challenge each other and have fun together as they grow and develop individually and as a team.
Through participation, students may be able to work together to solve problems and help each other achieve. By working together each individual and the group as a whole will be offered the opportunity to develop, fine tune and extend the following skills:-
- Communication
- Initiative
- Leadership
- Teamwork
With most of the activities, initiatives and challenges offered on the Imagination Trail there is more than one way to solve a problem. or. complete the task ... but is that what is required of the group? Success on the Imagination Trail is not about the volume of tasks completed, or the way, or the speed with which a group completes tasks. Success is the way the group develops as a team, communicates together, includes everyone within the team and accepts the challenge before them.

Important Information
About this Lesson

Minimum time allocation:
Related Lesson:
Victorian Curriculum learning area/capability:
SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Collaboration, Relationships and Diversity
SCSE – Self-awareness and Management - Developing resilience
History of Imgaination Trail at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
2006 - Imagination Trail established
Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson